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Environmental Policies

Gujarat NRE Coke is an environmentally responsible corporate citizen. We have incorporated our resolute commitment to contribute to a healthy environment in our name; NRE is Natural Resources and Environment. The belief that environment conservation is fundamental to the survival of any organization combined with a desire to contribute more to the environment than what we acquire from it, has led us to adopt stringent pollution control measures.

GNCL has in place the necessary safeguards to minimize environmental pollution through the complete combustion of volatile matter and the gaseous emissions are well below the norms specified by the Pollution Control Board. GNCL has been awarded a No Objection Certificate from the Gujarat State Pollution Control Board for both of its units and from Karnataka State Pollution Control Board for its unit at Dharwad, Karnataka.

The Company uses low ash coking coal for manufacturing LAMC through non-recovery coke oven technology which is inherently superior in environmental cleanliness as it operates under negative pressure. This results in drawing in air if there are any leaks in the coke oven chamber gates, rather than letting out polluting gases. Further, the vibrating screens and cutters are covered to control the releases of coal dust into air thereby reducing air pollution.

GNCL aims to extensively use wind energy to power its captive requirement. It has invested in 62 Wind Turbine Generators with a total capacity of 87.5 MW. Out of the 62 generators, 40 are of 1.5 MW capacity each and the rest 22 are of 1.25 MW capacity each. The company has also invested in cogeneration of power using the heat generated during coke production considerably reducing the stress on precious fossil fuels.

GNCL is a part of the emerging carbon credit market through Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol agreement. The efforts toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions have made the company eligible to earn   carbon credits, which besides generating increased returns will strengthen its commitment of being a socially responsible citizen.

In addition, the company has made proactive investments in environment protection initiatives of the following nature:

Coke Manufacturing

Non-polluting non-recovery technology of coke manufacture

Having a common flue system which ensures practically complete combustion of all volatile hydrocarbons, leaving a clean, hot gas, which can be utilized for generation of power through waste heat recovery boiler.

Air-borne pollution generated during pushing and quenching operations is reduced to acceptable level as stamp charging results in a coherent mass that is gently pushed into a hot coke collection car placed opposite push-car.

Grit arresters in the quench tower further reduce particle emission.

Dust suppression system installed at all material transfer points along the conveyor suppresses dust level to acceptable limits.

Maintaining an ongoing vigilance wherein emissions are monitored, measured and compared hourly.

Resource Conservation
Two large ponds have been constructed for harvesting rainwater in a district that receives only 600 mm of annual rainfall; 100 per cent water is recycled in the plant; investment is made in Check dams to harness rainwater in partnership with the Government of Gujarat.

Investment in Wind Turbine Generators having a total capacity of 87.5MW.

Green belts have been created covering a considerable section within the plant area.

Greenbelt at Dharwad Plant

As a result, the company enjoys a clean environment record and has received the Greentech Safety Silver Award in recognition of its environment management initiatives in June 2003.

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